Rite to Freedom Volunteer & Participant since 2022
My addiction started with food during my younger years and I picked up at 13 all party drugs as it was fun and gave me confidence fast forward thirty years it cost everything in between this love affair, marriag;fatherhood;lively hood; health wealth and sanity in some ways,
I came to NA did the recommended and got a few days so I came to r2f six years in, I struggle with others even now but this didn’t matter with them I was welcomed and it has catapulted my recovery in my thinking, creative and most importantly in just recognising the light and the dark in me and giving me space to work on it that’s special.
I try to stay involved and sit a little on the sidelines as I negotiate work, my recovery, and give myself time to love that parts of me hardest to reach.
I am passionate about this work that we do in R2F and I hope to deepen my connection with them and myself for some time in the future.