Current Collaborators and Partnerships


Over the next two years we will be collaborating with English Heritage, the High Heathercombe Centre, Positive Light Projects and the Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA) on a major new archive project. This will capture and celebrate our work on Dartmoor since 2008, focussing on our creative recovery work on north east Dartmoor; specifically in and around the Grimspound Bronze Age Settlement.

We will begin with a series of workshops, presentations and a 3 month exhibition at the DNPA Visitor Centre in Princetown, Dartmoor, starting in November 2024.

This will be followed by a series of archive launch exhibitions, workshops and events at Positive Light Projects and a number of English Heritage locations across the country.

We are hugely grateful for the generous support and commitment of these organisations to make this archive an ongoing source of inspiration and support for the wider recovery community.

There will be regular project updates on this website and our social media channels.


In January 2024 we received a grant of £9,955 from the PCC Safer Communities fund through Devon Community Foundation to support our volunteers with a series of ‘Community Connection’ days and individual mentoring sessions.

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We work with EDP’s Together Drug & Alcohol Service, Devon on recruiting participants for our residentials.

More info here >>


We are exploring with professor Celia Morgan and her team and students at the Psychopharmacology and Addiction Research Centre (PARC) at the University of Exeter on developing specific research through the work that we do.

More info here >>

We work with Torbay Drug and Alcohol Service, providing experiential opportunities for people in the Jatis Supported Housing Project and the wider recovery community, which can then lead onto a residential experience.

More info here >>

We work with Firestone Supported Housing Project in Plymouth, providing opportunities to explore recovery through meditation, creativity and nature connection on Dartmoor.

More info here >>

Previous Funders

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In December 2019 we received a 3 year grant of £211,637 from the National Lottery’s Reaching Community Fund, to support the delivery of all of our programmes and to develop a sustainable future to support the long term addiction recovery work that we offer.

We also received an organisational development grant and a COVID-19 uplift grant from the same fund.

At the end of December 2021 we were granted £20,115 by Devon Communities Together to deliver a series of events with increased access to digital and face to face support for those struggling with addiction during the pandemic this winter.

Created for this purpose our 2022 Addiction Recovery Festival, running January to March is a series of innovative, targeted interventions for the Devon recovery community. Some events are open to family, friends and anyone interested in supporting the wider possibilities of addiction recovery in Devon.

More info here >>


Devon Community Foundation supported a deficit in core costs related to COVID-19 for a four month period in 2020, as well as project specific funding in 2016 and 2019.

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Between 2012 and 2018 we received vital funding from the Frederick Mulder Foundation supporting the everyday running and programme delivery of the charity.


2 grants from Awards for All in 2017 and 2018 supported our programme delivery and the development of our addiction recovery work.


Between 2018 and 2024 we ran training, mentoring and mindfulness sessions with men only through MoMENtum, with a focus on recovery from sexual abuse in early life.

More info here >>

Between 2013 and 2015 Lady Edwina Grosvenor supported us with our work with ex offenders.


We have also received significant funding from…


The Elmgrant Trust -

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The Norman Family Charitable Trust -

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Persimmon Homes -


Plymouth City Council -


The Worshipful Company of Weavers -