Changing Our Recovery Approach 

Since 2016 we have focused our support specifically on addiction recovery; working with all addictions as symptoms of neurodiversity and mental and physical health issues. Addiction has always been the tip of the iceberg. 

Our community recognises and celebrates that our focus on supporting addiction recovery is now complete. 

The aims we set out with in 2016 have been fulfilled beyond what we had imagined possible. We are now in the process of celebrating, capturing and archiving the legacy of this work. The archive will be in the form of digital and physical resources and courses including inspiring creative content produced in collaboration with internationally recognised artists, designers, producers and directors. 

Broadly, our focus is on supporting and guiding those in recovery from mental and physical health issues. The lens of our work will continue to be delivered through the arts and the natural world. 

We are celebrating the completion of our addiction recovery work with a number of live events, productions and exhibitions including films, music, publications and podcasts.

Creative Pathways’ offer one solution to ongoing recovery out of many available throughout the world. We are always open to new ideas and ways to bridge and build communities through activities, the power of personal story, discovering and building a belief in who we are and what we can offer the world. It’s all about connection and the healing that unfolds.

Thank you all so much for last night. I’m going through a really tough time at the moment and found this event by pure chance. I’ve been sober for 2.5 years and am finding it really hard to relate to other people’s experiences. Hearing that I’m not alone and not bonkers for having such strong emotions has made me feel so much more positive and able. Thank you to everybody.”
— Recovery Cabaret audience member, 2022