Most recent notes are at the top. Scroll down for more!
4th August 2020
Attendees: Caspar, Ali, Peter, Colm, Denise, Noel, Beccie, Laura.
7.00pm Poem from Caspar, ‘Fine lot’ by Caspar Walsh
7.05pm Check in. An appreciation and how are you feeling right now?
7.15pm Big open- hearted welcome to the ‘Lavender Tribe’ and the ambassador for the evening Beccie. Thoughts going out to the people not able to be on the call.
7.20pm New tribe members are able to apply to staff on the Online Retreat happening in October. More on that to follow…
Mentoring Day on Dartmoor happening (Bank holiday weekend) Saturday 29th August, all are welcome.
7.30pm Ali shared that we will now be welcoming the Lavender “Hill” Tribe into the main Tribe Space WhatsApp group, they will be emailed and notified and are welcome to create separate group if anyone feels too.
7.35pm Peter with a suggestion that we contact out buddies once again to check in see how they are? Maybe mention and include ‘Healing and wellbeing agreement’.
7.40pm Caspar taking annual leave and office will be closed for two weeks. Caspar and Bethan working together to create something based on the archetypes which may turn into some literature.
7.50pm Poem from Caspar written for Mel from Higher Heathercombe after her passing. A write up for her to come as part of the blog along with the poem. Blessings Mel.
7.55pm Check out. Something we had received and three words how we are doing now.
7th July 2020
Attendees: Ali, Colm, Denise and Amanda
Apologies from Laura
Who would like to Host the next meeting? Put it on the whatsapp group
- 254 Volunteer hours – Great stuff
- Keep evidencing for future funding
To Do
- Complete the Google form for the Round Table
- Complete the staff feedback form
- Connect with your buddy – remind them of the meeting Monday 13th July 7 – 9pm. How they can become more involved with the tribe.
- The Round Table meetings are fluid and tends to be for when and what is going
- Change to monthly
- Change to something different – e.g. change to being around the three pillars (Mindfulness, creativity and nature connection)
- Be a creative space
- Might bring the creativity out in people
23rd June 2020
Attendees: Caspar, Ali and Amanda
- Lockdown easing
- Men’s day 4th July (online)
- W2F to close for a couple of weeks from 10th August
- Mentoring day on Dartmoor arranged for 18th July 😊
- Think about a second mentoring day
- Bring an introduction to women’s and men’s circles into experience day and potentially into a residential
- Setting boundaries with love – bringing in it to all areas
- Remembered John
To Do
- Looking into areas under cover for mentoring days
- Sort further dates out….
- Put it out there about Mentoring Day 18th July 😊
- Put a video and write a paragraph to remember John on the website - ? Ali to do?
2nd June 2020
7pm: 3 word check in – What made us happy today?
Harvesting about the Conscious communication day with Jayraja.
- The thorns and the roses, what went well and what could have gone better?
- Feedback was very positive from all, lots of learning and food for thought.
- Discussed how it is to come from heart open conscious communication and how that is when returning to work and how we can navigate this, along with sharing the gold.
- Maybe looking at changing the time of any future meetings that are held on the same day as another long zoom call. Lots of processing and reflecting and feelings of burnout the next day. (Monday morning)
Creating a day of celebration when Creative Pathways comes to the end of this round.
Experience Day Weekend
- Time managing, ways to avoid burnout, planning meals and things to support ourselves. Warm drinks, comfortable chair and keeping the weekend clear. Suggesting that Monday could be a landing day, no work if possible.
- Breakout rooms for staff debrief and planning between activities to be factored in.
- Question about West (Amanda, Colm and Denise) and how they will go about harvesting from the nature connection etc. Support and guidance requested and planning meeting tba.
8pm: Check out 3 words and an appreciation.
19th May 2020
Attendees: Ali, Laura, Emma (till 19.30), Mike, Doug, Colm and Amanda
The Mindfulness Communication Talk and Workshop on 31st May 10.30 – 1.30pm
- Contact Jo to let her know you are coming
- Will be beneficial to attend, especially if you would like to staff
- No further steps at present
- Waiting for participants
- Hopefully more news next week
- Keep checking the website – always being updated
- Know your way around the website so you can help navigate individuals to it/around it
- Jo has put a new page on
Doug and Ali sent emails out to agencies with information about W2F and if they would be interested or know of anyone that might be.
General chat around zoom calls, architype and support
- Would like to have a harvest on the work completed – to be able to share – (feel completed)
- Suggestion to be able to make space to be able to harvest the work
- Email manuals out to staff attending prior to the staff meeting
5th May 2020
Attendees: Peter, Caspar, Ali, Laura, Emma, Mike, Doug and Amanda
- Discussed May’s newsletter
- Lots to pursue in own journey on there
- Add Laura into “Welcoming new members”
Experience Weekend 13 – 14th June
Whether it will be face to face (F2F) or online (ON) – dependant on Government directive
Day one – for a wider experience – friends, family etc
· If F2F how to negotiate number of people – first come first serve basis
Potential for people to phone in if they can’t make it in person
· If ON how to manage downtime – time away from the screen
Doug – how to do nature connection –
Caspar - go out into a space, for x amount of time, then bring back and harvest
- Use the screen as an anchor point
- End of first day can suggest that they go out in the evening and bring “something” (topic to be chosen- nature wise) back for Day two and do a writing exercise about it
Day two – for those in recovery
· If they come on both days, they can ‘join W2F’ (not sure the right terminology) but will have to do a residential within one year
Needs at least 8 staff to hold and potentially hold areas. However, the more staff the better.
All eight of us tonight are wanting to participate
Three main focus areas:
Ali – mischief/playful/light heartedness playtime
Mike – aims to make videos of nature, bird song
Laura – videos of coming into body movements
Caspar – Poetry and invited any body else to join him
Peter – Mindfulness – gently on the first day
Introducing strangers – making it easier – break the ice
- Mike suggested using Tribe Warrior
- Caspar said on previous experience days he used an Origin Story – so not the same if they came on the residential
How to advertise it –
- Word of mouth
- Facebook – put it on your timeline and link the address on the W2F upcoming page of the weekend to your post
- Inform Devon together, NHS network and other networks
How to put it the weekend together
- Caspar – zoom call on 14th May to discuss
- Ali suggested utilising the structure already built for NDD
- Someone create a ‘Temporary’ Whatsapp group for ideas and communication
- Invite Tribe members to put forward ideas
Next Round Tables in two weeks –
19th May 7 – 8.30 pm
Initator – Laura
Minutes – Amanda
2nd June
Initiator – Doug
Minutes – Amanda
Last suggestion from Caspar –
Each of us to pick someone who wasn’t on the call tonight and invite them to be our buddy and come on the Experience Day planning meeting.
Laura → Amber
Amanda → Melissa
Emma → Jo Walker
Ali → Sarah
Peter → Nik Sutherland
Mike → Phil
Doug → Steve Clucas
Steve and Caspar almost finished the filming!!
Looking to do an online premier
28th April 2020
Check in
Anchoring discovery
Update – Ali made first call, no reply but left answer phone message.
Crib sheet – Fact finding: What area they work in? What support do they already have? etc.
How can we create a framework?
Focusing on: Creativity – Mindfulness – Nature Connection
Using the ‘5 Ways to Wellbeing‘.
Being active
Ideas for the pot?
- Loving kindness
- Self -care
- 4 Agreements
- Appreciation - Gratitude diary or cards
- Journaling – written or drawing/painting
- Create resource page on website – to include 4 agreements, meditations
- Safeguarding issues: signposting to other agencies – Samaritans, AA, NA fellowship meetings, mental health, domestic abuse helpline, Police 111.
- Calls will be 15- 20 minutes – Phone, Text, WhatsApp, choice of contact to be arranged.
Thoughts on the renaming residential? Calling it a retreat? Nature connection retreat?
Discussing the association with these and working on the wording and brainstorming ideas.
Check out
14th April 2020
Check in
- Overall really like the wording and excited about community log in.
- Same password for everything please
- Reports of lots of Scurrying round (!) to find info, so would be welcome change to have all updates on the log in page - then we instil culture of directing people to that page to find out everything.
- Feedback on there - anonymous? Not just for residentials but everything W2F
- Resources from the archetypes on log in page please
- That way it can be a tester to encourage others to join
- Lockdown photography ‘competition’- competitive not the right word, but it would be nice to have place for everyone to share photos.
- People suggested an internal socialising platform, especially for those who do not engage in social media.
- Idea to create quick interviews by recording zoom to hear from the Anchors about their experience of Anchoring, and how/what they get from it, as a way to encourage people to sign up. Makes it more of a friendly face rather than just words
- Amanda shared about NHS experience, and Ali spoke about how the Anchoring will seek to bridge the worlds between the front line and those isolated with lots of free time
- Ben to Action: Share link for putting your name down to be an anchor.
- Discussion around session structures: How many sessions do we offer, are they time limited?
- Anchor lead > some anchors might prefer text/call/zoom. Meeting people’s preferences.
- People commented on how channels of communication are personal, and it wasn’t clear how it would be delivered. We created a sentence to be added to key information on website: Between you and your anchor, you’ll decide how you would like to communicate, whether it be via email, text, phone call, or video call.
- Either Ben or Jo to Action that, whoever gets their first!
- At the end of the Anchoring - it doesn’t have to be an end - as we can offer people to sign up to our next residential.
Check out
7th April 2020
Anchoring process feedback:
Emma: What is mentoring? Storm times of stress and need: literally just there to Anchor. Mentoring
Ali: Anchors same gender: liking group supervision: Skills harvest
Amanda Pugs: Second Ali
Laura: It would be nice to have suggestions for tasks and things to do on the phone call.
Doug: Great to see structure
Mike: Listening and fine.
Caspar: “Recovery Anchor” good word. So happens through the Write to Freedom lens.
Amber: Recovery Anchor works well.