Written in response to something a dear friend said to me last winter. What she saw in me, that kindness and love inspired me to write this. And in writing I realised it was a universal truth, so I brought to our mentoring sessions.
Black Seam
You have a seam of gold running through you
I see it
I think you don’t, not always
Once Never
But maybe now more, day by day, I think you see it
The black coal in the seam.
The fire mineral
Layers of it
Deep in the earth
Thick dense, heavy, ready to burn
And you love mining for that black, always have
Your ferocious reflective, reflexive axe, hacking into the belly of the earth
Over and over, never blunting the point of it
So deep it hits the mineral seam and a white diamond of sparks fly
And flames flicker as they always do
From the black, through the earth airless earth
To rise up
An underground fire
Catching roots and worms and bones alight with farenheight
Setting them ablaze for alchemy
I think you see it
Through the black
And I see something else
A seam of gold running through you, through that black
Through random rising fire
Something else
I think you don’t
Once never, now more
In this room, in each of your medusa eyes
Now more than ever
A seam of gold running through you
Mine it
Caspar Walsh