Next Steps for Write to Freedom (W2F) - Pathways to Healing and Meaning
After ten years hard, loving graft setting up the existing W2F programme of residentials, Mentoring Days, Experience Days and staff trainings, a new space for growth for our Tribe is opening up. This next phase is the Creative Pathways to Healing and Meaning programme. A beautiful opportunity for anyone in the Tribe who wants to learn, grow and heal more. These new residentials and staff trainings will offer support, guidance and space to explore more of who we are and what makes us tick, both personally and professionally. Our award winning film, We Seek the Teeth, completed in the Summer of 2019, is the first major project of the Creative Pathways programme. And what a start it was…
Creative Pathways to Healing and Meaning’s first project, the award winning short film poem, ‘We Seek the Teeth’. Featuring W2F trainee leader Ali chapman. Film crew made up of previous participants and professionals.
My journey in W2F since 2008 has been incredible. There have been countless highs, lows, learning and growth way beyond what I thought possible. My ability to step back and hand more and more over to the Tribe has come as a result of digging deep into the healing ground of old wounds and unfulfilled dreams. It’s also been very much about learning to trust and step into the wider, growing circle of our community.
The Jungian Archetypes - Navigating Inner Worlds
The 8 Shields model we use for staffing gives us a beautiful structure and focus for our work. What we are offering with Creative Pathways is another model to run alongside this existing structure. This will take our work to the next level. It will help us get an even clearer picture of where healing and meaning can be found.
On Saturday 14th of December we will be having an introductory talk on the Jungian Archetypes from Elizabeth Klyne.
We’ll be meeting on Zoom at 3pm and finishing at 5.30pm.
We’re hoping to record the session – but the recording feature doesn’t always work. Please make it in person if you can.
We will be using the same link we use for all Zoom calls. Please contact if you need it re sent.
This will be a chance to:
· Understand what the Archetypes are
· How they show up in our lives
· Discover which ones we most closely identify with
· How understanding our Archetypal landscape can support the healing journey
· Ask questions of Elizabeth and discuss all of the above
We’ve pencilled in our first Creative Pathways staff training residential for February 2020.
If we are unable to raise the cash for the residential we will offer this as two stand-alone, non-residential days over the same weekend. Date TBC. This will be an opportunity to work closely with the Archetypes. To explore how they can help us move toward deeper healing and meaning in our lives. During the residential/days, we will offer support and guidance in helping you identify and develop personal skills and passions. We’ll then look at how you could begin a unique creative project or outlet to support your healing and your wider community. By creativity we mean anything from gardening to writing to filming to baking; whatever lights your fire. We do this healing work for ourselves first, then, with support, we can offer it as a gift to help make a difference in the world.
Attending these Creative Pathway training opportunities will become an essential part of you being offered a staff place on the residentials and holding the Mentoring and Experience Days. Working consciously with your Archetypal landscape will also be a key part of your ongoing training and supervision. It will be a fine path we travel together, with many weathers and landscapes to navigate. Our latest compass will be working with the Archetypes.
So who’s up for the adventure?
Contact me direct to let me know if you are going to be on the Zoom on the 14th of December and/ or want to talk it through.
With love, gratitude and respect
Founder and Creative Director