The Lover Archetype, poems by Caspar Walsh

A series of poems and images by Caspar on the Jungian Archetypes, as part of our Creative Pathways to Healing and Meaning programme.

You waited

By Caspar Walsh


You waited
for the longest time
didn’t you

as you were broken apart, piece by piece
way before you’d even got a foothold
before you even knew what it meant to have a choice.

so you headed up into the hills - alone
no map
through bramble thorns and thick black earth
death and winter everywhere you looked.

Through the seasons
with a cautious, unfolding love
you weaved a new world for yourself

and the decades and days slowly lifted into life.

you made it back
to the fireside
hands raised to the heat

and you grieved for what was lost
what you never received

loving at last, what is in front of you now -
a new family
deeper roots.

You did this
this difficult, beautiful thing
for the love of you
for the love of us


you did this…

2011-12-31 23.00.00-428 copy.jpg

We waited

By Caspar Walsh


We waited
for the longest time
didn’t we

as we were broken apart, piece by piece
way before we’d even got a foothold
before we even knew what it meant to have a choice.

so we headed up into the hills - alone
no map
through bramble thorns and thick black earth
death and winter everywhere we looked.

Through the seasons
with a cautious, unfolding love
we weaved a new world for ourselves

and the decades and days slowly lifted into life.

we made it back
to the fireside
hands raised to the heat

and we grieved for what was lost
what we never received

loving at last, what is in front of us now -
a new family
deeper roots.

We did this
this difficult, beautiful thing
for the love of you
for the love of us


we did this…