Reflections from Ali Chapman
Our first Online Experience weekend was an incredible journey for both staff and participants. I, as a staff member, personally did not imagine we could present something on zoom that would feel so connecting, nourishing and immersive.
Well – we did it and more!
The biggest and most beautiful thing that I shall take away from the Experience is that we now know we can reach out to those people who for health reasons, location etc can not come to a residential.
Covid-19 has made us all think, act, feel a little deeper about what it means to be connected and how does it feel to be isolated. An online community feels the way forward to become more inclusive for those who can’t get to the moors.
Some wonderful quotes from our participants:
“I felt held and supported even though it was a digital gathering. In some real life circles I participated in, I have not felt this level of intimacy and trust. Everybody was heard and included. This experience gave me a good reminder that things don’t have to be complicated in recovery. Connection to people, nature, creativity and mindfulness - nothing more is needed.”
“Felt very safe being online because there was still a nature connection being actively encouraged to happen through the processes & conversations.Bodywork and meditations were lovely, and deeply nourishing. It all felt very inclusive, and, as always, nature nurtures and supports recovery no matter what.”
“Despite the day being online the essence of my experience was a feeling of being welcome and connected which was great, as there were plenty of opportunities for me to share my thoughts and I did not feel afraid to do so. Being able to share my experiences with others and hear about their experiences, which have similarities is very helpful for my recovery as a reminder that many people have face the same challenges and are overcoming them, which is encouraging.”