Staff Volunteer
Passions & Jobs
Communing with nature
Being on or around water
Supporting others
Book binding
Working with the landscape
Peer supporting and working with, and alongside my recovery family
Recovery champion training to start within the week which will allow me to do one to one work within the recovery community
Co-facilitating groups within recovery
Carer for three disabled people
As soon as I became a peer supporter I was offered the most wonderful opportunity of a weekend on Dartmoor. Caspar visited a group of us and gave us a vague outline of how the weekend would be structured. It fired my imagination but also a great deal of apprehension felt in my stomach. All the old neurosis came flooding back which increased in the following months culminating in the day to leave when I felt scarcely able to breathe as I approached the minibus. This was alleviated by the welcome of my friends who would be going with me with their free and easy banter and much snack food. The chatter was all about things that we had shared during our recovery journey so far. By the end of the weekend the neurosis was but a distant memory and we had all joined as a tribe. NEVER TO BE SPLIT
Hopes and passions for W2F and what I will bring
Over the next few years I would truly love to see W2F recovery partnership grow and prosper and I would wish for as many people as possible to be offered the same opportunities as I have within the freedom network. It has had an extremely positive effect on my wellbeing both physically and mentally. I would like to join the residential as a co-facilitator and I believe that my own original apprehension about the project will bring me a better understanding towards future participants.