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Chris Lomas

Rite To Freedom Trustee


I have worked with high risk offenders both within a custodial setting, focusing on substance misuse and in the community focusing on support and resettlement. I currently work as a CBT Therapist in the Depression and Anxiety service. Through my working life I have experience delivering group workshops, training, mentoring and delivering CBT interventions. I have navigated the labyrinth of services both as a service user and now as a professional. I believe the breadth of this experience helps me understand the barriers and challenges of finding recovery but also means I can identify opportunity and resources for anybody hoping to improve their current situation. I joined R2F because I have a passion for recovery, I was inspired by what I saw on offer and was captivated by the unique, creative approach to recovery and really wanted to build on my own nature connection. Like most if not all in this organisation I viewed this work as a calling, I was blessed enough to hear the call and daring enough to answer that call. I am grateful that I can call this my tribe. 

My hopes for R2F is for us to solidify our place working in the addiction and recovery field, really bringing our story and the stories of our participants to life. I hope we continue to stand out, shout out and reach out to those who feel isolated or marginalised. Providing a visible touchstone for all our tribe members past and present. Having recently changed career paths to focus more on mental health, R2F is now my anchor to working in Recovery, something which I am truly passionate about. I will be bringing my own story, my experience and my truth whether that be at the “coal face of love” on residential weekends or more strategically as a guardian and trustee.
