August 2020

Hello All,

Write to Freedom is having a charity-wide break from August 10th – 24th. During this time none of us will be checking our emails etc. As core staff members, Ben will be back on the 31st, Jo on the 24th, and Caspar is on sabbatical from office-based work until the end of September.  

Wishing you all a good August whatever it holds for you. We’re encouraging reflections on what is means to break, and disconnect from a particular source of support. Lending an eye towards nourishing the spaces in between all things Write to Freedom.  

When we meet back, it’ll be the Autumn, and there is a lot to look forward to after break. Here’s a breakdown of the upcoming events. 

Our next online retreat is booked for October 

Staff sign-ups for the online Retreat are open.
 Information and sign up is here: please reflect on your capacity, willing and ableness, and sign up by the beginning of September, as this is when we will be building the staff team.  

 As always, please spread the word in your community and on social media, to encourage people to sign up.  

  • Next Mentoring Day, August 29th, on Dartmoor, and the first one that the Lavender Hill Tribe (June’s online course) can attend. 

  • Next Round Table, Tuesday 1st September 7-8pm 

  • Next Experience Day, Saturday 19th September, location either in North Devon or on Dartmoor, still to be decided. (in person as it currently stands).  

A note on the Tribe WhatsApp group
. In case anyone has previously missed this or would now like to join, there is a Write to Freedom Whatsapp group. This is used mainly for sharing self-created content that is within Write to Freedom’s ethos, and receive reminders of upcoming events.  Please email  with your Whatsapp number if you’d like to join the group. 

A Tribute to Mel Lamb 
Anyone who has attended an event at High Heathercombe will most likely have met Mel, who cared for the centre for many years. She sadly passed away this July. Have a read of a beautiful tribute to her with words from Caspar and a friend of Mel’s, Dita. 

With summertime blessings


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