February 2020

Welcome to our full February news update!
We have a new format of posting all the monthly updates on a non-public page in the website. In the column on the right you can see the full list of monthly updates.

Creative Pathways non-residential weekend

A great sign up so far for the indoor training day (March 14th) and the Archetypes walk on the moors on the Sunday (March 15th). There are still places. Go online to apply.

Have a read of Caspar’s Creative Pathways blog here.

Please spread the word amongst the Tribe. There are 10 signed up so far and there are more places for more of the Tribe to join us. We set the 2nd of March as the first deadline. We need to close applications by 10th of March, latest to order food etc.


March 28th Experience Day

We need volunteers and nominations for at least three members of the Tribe to help Amanda P. co-ordinate the next Experience Day. This will include designing the activities of day; choosing a location and getting the word out to the world. Details for the day are here.


April 24-26th Residential

Applications now being accepted to staff the April residential. Those who have attended one or both of the Creative Pathways Archetypes activities will be given priority in assessment. The staffing application form is here.

We also need to get the word out to the world for new participant sign ups. The best path has always been through word of mouth so do think on who could benefit from what we offer and get in touch with them. If you are unsure of the best way to approach the conversation, give Caspar a call: 07771 561 447
The new participant application form is here.

If anyone is able to print out and post up fliers, please email Jo - jo@writetofreedom.org.uk for a copy to print out and we can reimburse the costs.


May 2 Celebration Day

This is a completely new part of what we offer to the Tribe and the wider community.

As part of our new programme development we are connecting to our wider communities, friends and family to come and celebrate those who have come through the latest residential and joined the Tribe along with creative offerings from the wider Tribe. What this will look like will be up to the W2F community to decide. We’re hoping for an event where we can share food, stories, poetry, music, dance etc. This is about sharing with the world who we are and what we do and celebrating our shared recovery.

We welcome volunteers and ideas for the day including where to put it on and how to get the word out to the world.

Caspar will be supporting and mentoring the Celebration Day team through the process. This will involve a few online meetings, finding a venue, promoting the day and co-ordinating the different elements of the day itself. No previous experience of any of the above necessary. The more the merrier on the team.


Mentoring Days

Big thanks to Amanda P for stepping up to the Mentoring Day Co-ordinator role and Phil N for leading / initiating the February moorland gathering. We need your support to make these happen. And they are a great way to build confidence and skills and connection. See the January update email for the outline of how the Mentoring Days will be going forward.

Next Mentoring Days:
February 29th, Dartmoor
March 28th (Experience Day, Dartmoor)
April 18th, North Devon



We’re still low on numbers for some of our volunteer activities. We need the support and it’s a key part of how we all find a place in the Tribe; where we can step out of our comfort zone, learn, grow and offer our gifts to the world. It helps us and others. If you have any nominations for anyone who you think would benefit, do speak to them and us. We need you, you beauties!


New Paid W2F Staff Role

Jo, Ben and I have been working for the last few months on establishing what the new role will cover. This has involved looking at the whole organisation as it is now and how it will expand in the coming years as well our individual roles and what support we need. We will be looking to advertise the new position in May. All Tribe members are welcome to apply.


W2F and University of Exeter Research Group

We need a minimum of three people to step up and help us to start looking at building our evidence base over the next tree years. This is a key link to our future growth and sustainability and part of our commitment to Reaching Communities. It’s going to be a creative process, looking at new ways of gathering info, working with Exeter Uni and potentially other partners. It will be a rewarding journey for us to go on, for sure.


W2F Social Enterprise Development

Caspar has met with Dartington School for Social Entrepreneurs (DSSE) to discuss developing a social enterprise to create another income stream for our work. Caspar will be receiving coaching from DSSE around W2F setting up a Community Interest Company (CIC) to run alongside the charity’s current work. What we generate in Creative Pathways will be content to help us develop our profile, recruitment and income streams: written word, films, images, music, digital media etc. There will be at least one training day we will put on with the DSSE for all Tribe members. As part of the Creative Pathways programme we’re encouraging the Tribe to join us on the journey, to help us develop the vision for the CIC alongside individuals building skills for your own creative enterprise. Let us know if you would like to be involved. We already have a few signed up!


W2F Map of the Communities

Ali has suggested we create a W2F country wide map where we can see at a glance where the Tribe communities are and who to contact. This will be a great way to see how we are growing and how we can connect. We are working on that now. Will keep you posted.


Latest W2F Film project

We are in the final stages of editing the next film, working title, ‘To Know the Difference’. Our latest featured Tribester is Laura Hamlyn. Steve Clucas will be creating the sound / music. Intended completion is April or May.


New Poems – The Archetypes

As part of the Archetypes training, Caspar has created 4 new poems covering the Lover, Magician, Warrior and Sovereign Archetypes. Come to the day to hear them read for the first time! The intention is to make them available on future residentials. The Archetypes will hopefully become more and more embedded in what we do and how we navigate our internal worlds together and on our own.


Managing How We Get Info to the Tribe

Since we got the funding, there’s clearly lots of exciting stuff happening. We want to make sure we get this info out to you so you know what’s happening and opportunities as they arise. We want to do this without overloading you so this is the new way:

There’ll be a monthly voice recorded whatsapp message from Caspar for now. There’ll also be a monthly bullet pointed email update (short, clear to the point). You can the click a link to this email which will take you to the website for more detail on each heading.

How you get info to us

Your input in the Reaching Communities bid, the programmes and wider ideas have been key to shaping our strategy and refining our programmes over the years. Please keep your thoughts, ideas, dreams and feedback flowing to us. You can phone, whatsapp, text, email or stand on a hill, make a fire with twigs and ferns (dried) and smoke signal it 😉

You can contact Caspar or Jo for any more info or to talk stuff through



Caspar - 07771 561 447 

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