March 2020

Due to the ongoing developments with COVID19, all of our regular and residential face to face events have been postponed. In their place we are offering a series of online programs, which are currently being developed and look set to be an exciting and creative addition to the work and support that W2F offers.

For people interested in starting their journey with Write to Freedom, we will be offering an online retreat that will span weeks rather than days, giving participants the opportunity to delve deeply into their recovery, foster nature connection daily practices, and step into a community of nature based recovery during this time of social distancing. If you are interested in participating, please email us to register your interest. 

For existing Tribe’s members, we are now offering 2 weekly facilitated support circles online, providing continuity of community connection, peer support, and nature connection.

The Round Table: Tuesdays: 7 - 8:30pm

The Tuesday Night Round Table will be a place to meet to discuss how we as a Tribe can be of service to our community and the wider world (particularly during this current Corona crisis); to hear about W2F updates; ask questions, feedback and get involved with what we’re offering. Everyone will get to check in briefly with an appreciation and how we’re doing. We are trialling the Round Table to be 60 minutes long for now, with a social space held open afterwards for up to half an hour for those who want it. All the Tribe are welcome. 


“In the Round Table this week (March 31st), I’ll be explaining our change in plan. We’ve realised that there are front line workers out there that need our support through this global crisis. The focus on developing a digital residential will be put on the back burner. For now, we want to create a mentor program where we can offer extra psychological and emotional support for NHS workers who are in recovery. We will invite members of the Tribe who feel able, to hold 1-to-1 calls to anchor people through this vital time. We will also link into regional networks offering support at this time (e.g. Co Lab and Devon County Council). Our idea is to create a safe system and support structure and train Tribe members in simple coaching and mindfulness exercises that they can do over the phone or online. We’ll be creating a network of professional W2F support and supervision for those in the Tribe who are anchoring and will be on call throughout.  Our plan is to assess suitability of potential recipients in a similar way to the residentials. We’ll provide regular introductory Zoom circles before pairing up begins. We also want to create a Facebook post where we’ll be asking everyone to share to spread the word and encourage people to apply. This Tuesday we really welcome your feedback and ideas on this. See you there!”

Creative Pathways - Weekly Creative Practices: Saturdays 9 - 10:30am

The Saturday Morning Creative Pathways sessions will be more of a place for inner focus, reflection, resourcing and process, to explore exercises that weave throughout your week. The lenses for these sessions are creativity, nature connection and the Archetypes. All the tribe are welcome. 

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“Our first call will be a chance to check in after the Archetypal training day: what has stayed with us; what have we discovered; what next. Everyone from the existing community are welcome to join – whether you attended the day or not. We will also explore the first activity for each of us to do in the coming week. Our first gathering will be on Saturday 28th March at 9am on Zoom”. - Caspar

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