Greetings Tribesters
Time is moving strangely on in these strange times. We are responding as a community in the best way we know - with love, clarity, connection and creativity. We're proud to be offering support to Key Workers in Recovery at this time. We are set to run our first non residential Experience Weekend and I'm really touched at how many of you have connected to the new Creative Pathways programme online and in nature. It's a path that I walked for many years, often alone in solitude and loneliness. To bring it to my Tribe brothers and sisters and to see and feel the same enthusiasm and engagement is really affirming for me and helps me step ever more into the wider circle, shoulder to shoulder with you. You and this mean the world to me.
The three years funding has made a huge difference to our community and to my nervous system and health! I feel I'm relaxing more and more into what I know I was born and love to do. Having stepped back from my freelance work as a writer and retreat leader and bringing that energy fully to our Tribe has created a deep feeling of freedom and connection. I'm being creative for its own sake and that is deeply healing and a lot of fun!
Big thanks and love to Ben and Jo again for all you do and bring. Your passion for the work, your skill, kindness and keen eye for detail make this ship move so well through all kinds of waters! And a big continued welcome to Ali and Doug, our new freelance staff, riding the waves of all that's going on right now. Thanks for stepping into your new roles so willing and ably. Ali for your stirling outreach work helping new Tribe members step in and existing Tribesters reconnect. And Doug for all your calm support with Creative Pathways and the Round Table meetings, helping us navigate ever deeper into the world of Zoom!
And of course to you, all of you, the Tribe xx
Below is a brief overview of what's on offer and what we're up to. Do have a read through when you have some time and space. We'd love you to be involved in a way that works for you. If you're unsure what that is right now, come and join Creative Pathways. At its root it's about helping you find your passion and supporting you to plant it deep and help it grow. There's plenty of different projects and activities to try on for size. If one thing doesn't fit, try on another :)
We are now in the long term planning of funding and finding a permanent home for us on Dartmoor - so everyone can join us in our work and play, whatever the weather, to create, sit, watch, walk, work and rest. Let's dream long and gentle. If we've got this far with such an amazing community and resource, we can plant our roots deeper into the soul and soil 🙂
Love and gratitude
Caspar x
Recovery Anchors for Covid-19 Key Workers in Recovery (more details)
Programme Leaders - Ben, Amber, Ali, Peter, Doug
Supervisors - Freddy Weaver and Bethan Evans
Contact Ali to sign up and discuss -
Creative Pathways - to Healing and Meaning
Current Archetype - Warrior
Every other Saturday 9 - 11am (at present)
See upcoming events page for dates and details
Programme Leader - Caspar
Contact Jo or Doug to sign up
Round Table - Tribe Updates, Connection and Discussion Space (more details)
Every other Tuesday 7 - 8.30pm
See upcoming events page for dates and details
To lead, initiate or support the calls, contact Ali or Doug
Programme Leaders - Ben and Ali
Usual Zoom link and password
NEW! W2F Experience Weekend, June 13th and 14th 2020
Offered in two parts over two consecutive days
Day 1
An open invitation to the wider community of addiction Recovery, family, friends, colleagues and co-workers to experience the connection and inspiration of our work and community, supporting long term addiction and trauma Recovery. Minimum 'clean' time for those in addiction or behavioral addiction Recovery - 1 week.
Day 2
A deeper dive for those in existing addiction Recovery. An opportunity to experience immersive elements of the residential programme including nature connection, creativity and mindfulness.
During the time of Covid-19, these weekends will be a gateway to our existing support and community, including online Tribe meetings and the Creative Pathways programme.
To stay involved in the community beyond this weekend you'll need to commit to attending one of our residential weekends within 1 year of the Experience weekend - If lockdown is lifted at this time.
You'll need to attend Day 1 for a place on Day 2
Book your place on Day 2 here
Looking for volunteer staff of all experiences and abilities.
First Tribe staff call: Thursday 14th May, 7.30-9.30pm. Usual Zoom link and password.
Programme Leaders - Caspar, Ben and Ali
Contact Jo to sign up.
We Celebrate Denise, Amanda P and Mike D for stepping into their passions and into their growing edges in their recoveries and wider lives. Well done you beauties! They will be supported by Peter and Ali for now with me supporting Peter and Ali in turn.
if you are curious about your growing edges, where deeper, creative healing could be found and how you can work with this healing to serve your communities, do get in touch. Creative Pathways has been set up to support this as a group.
Stepping Into your Leadership / Becoming an Initiator
Peter, Ali and Melissa have shared a powerful learning, healing, growing journey with us over the last few years as trainee leader/initiators. They are now holding space for other Tribesters to step up and into the next stage in their journey... your journey.
Programme Leaders - Ali, Peter, Melissa and Caspar
Contact Ali and Peter
One to Ones with Ali and Peter and Caspar
There are ongoing peer led mentoring sessions open to all Tribesters each week. Contact any one of us if you'd like to connect and or receive support.
Tribe Talks
We are planning to put on inspiring 4-6 weekly online talks from people inside and outside the Tribe. Including talks on nature connection, creativity and Mindfulness. We need volunteers to hold this role and seek out speakers.
Contact Doug or Ali
Research and Building our Evidence Base
We are looking for Tribe volunteers interested in helping us build an even better evidence base for the work we do. This will be in partnership with Exeter University
We need to set up a consultation Tribe group to explore the questions we need to be asking to research.
Programme Leader (for now) - Caspar
Contact Jo
Recovery Tribe Media and Nature Immersion Center - Dartmoor
Long term sustainability project
We are in the early stages of planning and consultation to fund, build and develop a centre on Dartmoor for the whole Tribe and wider recovery and creative communities.
We will apply to Reaching Communities in 2022 for part funding as a legacy project of the current three year funding we've been awarded.
We need Tribe support and volunteers to build our contacts in the creative industries, including: filmmakers, musicians, artists, directors, producers, business people, philanthropists, corporates.
This will be a space for us all to venture out from and for those wanting more comfort on our Mentoring Days but still want to connect to the beauty of the moor and Tribe! Also a studio and recording space, workshop space and general hang out spaces to relax and connect. We are currently in early stage planning with Dartington School for Social Entrepreneurs, Agile Properties and Dartmoor National Park Authority. This will be a chance to learn professionals skills and personal development as well as helping us build and base and put our roots in the ground - to find a home.
Programme Leader - Caspar
We need help to find:
Existing community spaces on Dartmoor to test our business model
Land on Dartmoor for a new site
Philanthropists, corporate and creatives to support, guide, partner and fund us ( a long term venture which is why we are starting now)
Contact Jo
Summerhill School - 100 Years
Caspar is putting together a photo book celebrating a 100 years of his first school, Summerhill. What was learnt and experienced there in the early 70's fed directly into the creation of W2F.
Looking for
Support to put a Crowdfunding campaign together
Project co-ordinator
Programme Leader - Caspar
Contact Caspar